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Circulation Services

Who's Eligible?

Current students, faculty, staff and alumni of Saint Peter's University may use Chromebooks. 

Emeritus faculty may also use this service.

Before Request

Please settle any outstanding balances on your Library account before you try to check out a chromebook. You will not be able to check out a chromebook if you owe a library fine. 



Procedure for Users


1. Present your One Card to the Circulation staff.

2. Sign in to your SPU email to see what day your Chromebook is due back.

Loan Periods & Renewals

Chromebooks can be checked out for use outside of the Library and must be returned on the due date given before the semester ends. 

Chromebooks can be renewed in person, by phone (201-761-6461) or email at


Chromebooks are free to check out. However, a fee will be assessed for any damaged or lost laptops.

  • If a library user cannot locate and return an overdue laptop they are responsible for paying a fee of $350.  
  • A $10 fee will be assessed for a lost or damaged charger.
  • If a laptop is not working, the laptop will be assessed by the IT Department. A new laptop will not be able to be checked out until a determination is made by IT unless it is a simple connectivity issue.

Operating a Chromebook

Q: How do I turn my chromebook on and off?

A: To turn on the chromebook, open the lid of and press the power button. To turn off the chromebook, just close the lid. You may also press and hold the power button to power off the chromebook.

Q:How do I log-in? 

A: You can only log-in using your SPU email address and password. You must access this website:  follow the section of the article titled "For Android devices". You must log into a WIFI network to use the chromebook. Once logged in, you will automatically have access to your Saint Peter’s University account Gmail; including use of Docs, Sheets, Calendar, etc. 

Q:Does a chromebook have Microsoft Word or any other Microsoft products on it?

A:No, a chromebook uses an operating system called ChromeOS. You are unable to install any programs. You are able to use Google programs such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.. You also have access to any programs that can be found in the Google Web Store

Q:Can I change any settings or install any Apps?

A:Yes. You have access to the Google web store where you may download applications. You also have the ability to change layouts or settings. These changes will not be seen by anyone else. Once the computer is shut down all your settings will be erased. However, anything that you change will be saved in the cloud with your google account and your previous settings will be available. 

Q: Am I able to access Blackboard for my classes?

A: Yes. You should not have any issues accessing any website that you want to use. 

Q: Does it have a CD/DVD drive?

A: No. You may access any media through a Flash drive or SD card. 


For any questions or concerns regarding the Chromebook policies please contact:


Tasheeda Capers

Circulation Services Coordinator


Myah Warren

Interlibrary Loan Specialist

Tel: (201) 761-6461