The AAR is a professional organization that aims to foster excellence in the academic study of religion and to ehance the public's understanding of the world's great religious traditions. Web site includes a "Syllabus Project" (find one / add one) and videos of lectures on various religious topics.
North American Patristics Society
A scholarly organization dedicated to the history, literature, and theology of early Christianity. Sponsors an annual conference ane the publication Journal of Early Christian Studies.
Catholic Theological Society of America
Within the context of the Roman Catholic tradition, the CTSA promotes, studies and conducts research in theology, to relate theological science to current problems, and to foster a more effective theological education. The Society works to provide a forum for an exchange of views among theologians and with scholars in other disciplines.
An interfaith organization providing environmental leadership to people and congregations of diverse religous backgrounds. Working from their core values of Spirit, Stewardship, and Justice, Greenfaith has various educational programs to inspire and mobilize people to work for a better environment.
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue
An international organization of men and women Christian monastics promoting dialogue among the world's religions, paying particular attention to practice and experience.
Nur Ashki Jerrahi Community
The Nur Ashki Jerrahi Community is an order of dervishes within the Halveti-Jerrahi Tariqat (Sufi Order), led by Shaykh Fariha al-Jerrahi. Their web site offers articles on different aspects of Sufism, and audio recordings of prayers, sohbet (conversation of the heart between friends), and a hymns."
Parliament of World Religions
The Parliament of World Religions aims to cultivate harmony among the world's religious and spiritual communities by working with their members and institutions to achieve a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
Society of Jesus
This official page of the Jesuits contains information on their 450 year history of serving the church, the provinces in which they work, the ministry they are engaged in (including their 28 U.S. colleges & universities), their work for social justice, vocations, and the spirituality of their founder, Saint Ignatius. Ignatius' SpiritualExercises can be found here.
Sufi Order International
Considered to be the mystical path of Islam, Sufism was brought to the West from India by Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan, who founded the “Sufi Order in the West” in 1910. This web site offers a history of Sufism, prayers, and teachings.
The Vatican
The Vatican's web site contains much of what you might be looking for on the Holy See and the Vatican city state. Search here for encyclicals, letters, the Roman Curia, World Youth Day, and statements on a variety of issues, including the Church's response to the abuse of minors.
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