Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. being presented with his honorary doctorate of law degree on September 22, 1965.
Bayard Rustin speaks at the Michaelmas Convocation, addressing issues of poverty, police brutality, and racial discrimination, on September 23, 1964.
The Guarini Center contains over 900 linear feet of materials including paper, digital, and audiovisual items, which pertain to the history of the university or to the various special collections housed in the archive.
Finding aids for some collections will be available online soon.
Collection Strengths:
Welcome to the Saint Peter’s College Archives. Presented on the pages below is a selected list of popular, historical, and school-related items for your review and reference needs. For further information, specific questions, and usage rules concerning these materials (or the collection at large) please refer to the Archives General Information page for contact and additional information.
Saint Peter’s College – A Historical Background
Saint Peter’s College, located in Jersey City, and administered by the Society of Jesus was incorporated on April 3, 1872 by act of the New Jersey State Senate and General Assembly. This measure allowed the fledgling Jesuit institution the right “…to appoint professors and provide instruction in the arts, science, law, literature, and medicine…” once officially opened to the public on September 2, 1878. However, development was halted abruptly in 1919 when many faculty and student enlistments into the military brought on by World War I led to closure of the school which lasted eleven years. Saint Peter’s reopened during the Fall of 1930, and classes were held in the Chamber of Commerce Building before moving to its present location on Kennedy Boulevard six years later. The revived Saint Peter’s retained its distinctiveness as a Liberal Arts school, but also added courses in the areas of Natural Science, Business, and Industrial Relations as well. Official accreditation was extended by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools along with state certification as the institution continually improved its academic infra-structure from the 1940s to the present day. The school currently boasts an undergraduate enrollment over 2,000 (400 + graduate), and retains its character as a private, coeducational institution of higher learning which will observe its 125th anniversary in 1997. (Primary Source: Student Handbook. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1960)
Saint Peter’s College Periodicals (Serial)
[Dates listed indicate the years of production, and which issues are found in the college archives unless otherwise noted.]Campus & Campus Monthly. Saint Peter’s College Community Newsletter. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Office of Student Affairs, [1972-Present]. This monthly periodical (certain special issues produced bi-monthly) features various reports on a wide-range of current event happenings related mainly to faculty and staff members from the Saint Peter’s College community.
Commencement Exercises. Saint Peter’s College Graduation Commemorative Program. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [1949-Present]. These booklets show the itinerary of events, graduates, award honorees and other background data which mark the particulars found in each annual ceremony.
Horizon. Saint Peter’s College Planning Newspaper. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Planning Office, [1976-1977]. Periodical which features assorted developments related to the physical and academic expansion of Saint Peter’s College during the mid-1970s. (* Publication currently discontinued)
Lamp, The. Saint Peter’s College Night School Newspaper. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Evening Student Body Newspaper, [1965-1979]. A counterpart to the Pauw Wow, and similar in both format and basic content. Featured additional campus news items geared towards the reader who attended night classes at Saint Peter’s College.
Mustard Seed. Saint Peter’s College Spiritual Newspaper. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Office of Campus Ministry and Alpha Sigma Nu, [1975-1985]. Information on activities occurring within the school’s Jesuit community. Religious news, church-related bulletins, and other special reports related to the spiritual life of Saint Peter’s College are featured.
Net, The. Saint Peter’s College Student Handbook. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Office of Student Affairs, [1956-Present]. This guide issued bi-yearly provides rules and regulations of conduct, facility usage, student activities, and academic calendar along with other campus-related information.
Pauw Wow. Saint Peter’s College Student Newspaper. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [November 9, 1934-Present]. Originally a weekly periodical (presently issued on a monthly basis) featuring miscellaneous news stories on a wide-range of institutional events, personalities, academic endeavors, etc. within each copy. The most comprehensive journal related to the development of student life at Saint Peter’s College throughout the years. (ARCH 378.749 SA 14 PAU)
Pavan. Saint Peter’s College Literary Journal. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [1949-Present]. Student produced poems, art work, short stories and similar distinctive literary entries constitute the makeup of this publication. Many different verse styles and modes of expression are represented within each new issue.
Peacock Pie. Saint Peter’s College Yearbook. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [1934-1995]. The annual record of each senior class at Saint Peter’s College. A pictorial account of the many dimensions found in student life at the school. Content varies by the issue, but a traditional format of faculty, student, and organizational portraits are accompanied by written essays/captions in most instances. (ARCH 378.749 SA 14)
President’s Report. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College President’s Office, [1930-1955 (Single Issue) & 1956-1995]. This annual report researched and presented by the President’s Office is a detailed synopsis of the institution’s overall performance over a given year. Each issue features various topics including the school budget, lists of donors, fund reports, academic progress, etc. and other relevant events pertaining to the Saint Peter’s College community.
Saint Peter’s College Journal. Saint Peter’s College Magazine. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [1909-1918]. A monthly magazine published by the student body of Saint Peter’s College. The primary focus of this periodical is provided within the mission statement: “Saint Peter’s College Journal is published every other month during the school year by the students of Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, N.J. Its aim is to develop the literary talent of the students, to record all College happenings that may be of interest to friends, and to form a bond of union between the present student body and the Alumni.” (* Publication discontinued. The Archives possesses copies from 1913-17 only.) (ARCH 378.749 SA 14 COJ)
Saint Peter’s, The College Magazine. Saint Peter’s College Magazine. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Office of Public Affairs, [1980-Present]. This periodical is produced bi-yearly (on a seasonal basis), and regularly features various articles on the wide-range of people, places, and events reflecting the diverse nature of Saint Peter’s College. Heavily geared towards feature articles, the format chosen per copy varies from issue to issue.
Undergraduate General Bulletin. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, [1888-Present]. This guide book issued bi-yearly provides an introductory overview of Saint Peter’s College. A profile of the curriculum, various academic programs, policies, departmental information, regulations, financial information, and various directories, etc. are also included within each volume. (ARCH 378.749 SA 14 GE)
Saint Peter’s College Archives Special Collections (Selected List)Cronin, Richard J., S.J. Collection. [1949-1994]. Jesuit educator and author who wrote two important works on the school’s history entitled: The Jesuits And The Beginning Of St. Peter’s College and The Closing And Reopening Of Saint Peter’s College: 1918-1930. A set of journals on various theological topics written by Fr. Cronin during his years in the seminary from 1949-51 are included. Audio cassettes and copies of important documents related to the educational aims of the Society of Jesus which had originally served as primary background matter for his books are also indexed.
Durant, Will & Ariel Durant Collection. [1907-1984] Durant (Will), an alumnus of Saint Peter’s College (B.A. – ’07, M.A. – ’08, Ph.D. – ’79). Went on to global fame as an author and historian who wrote the multi-volume series entitled the: “Story of Civilization”. A comprehensive set of texts written by and about the Durants are included in this collection. Various scrapbooks containing press clippings and other news about the couple have also been preserved. Some handwritten letters, honorary degree programs, and other items related to Durant’s literary activities can also be found in this set.
Hudson College Collection. [1936-51] Name of the Saint Peter’s College Business School which offered various courses in commerce and finance. A number of promotional advertisements and newspaper clippings which feature the attributes of this institution are on file. A full cache of newspapers produced by the school along with yearbooks which highlight the student body of this school are also included.
Jersey City Collection. [1940-Present] Many texts, periodicals, and books which provide background data on the historical origins and development of Jersey City. Texts written by Saint Peter’s alumnus Thomas F.X. Smith, and historian J. Owen Grundy are likewise included. Newspaper retrospectives on the city and its political, religious, and social development have been integrated into this section as well.
Jesuit Education. [1906-Present] A set of books on various Jesuit post-secondary education institutions. A number of educational surveys highlighting personnel, academic results, and student profiles are featured. Ancillary works on the Society of Jesus from a theological viewpoint and teachings have also been acquired. A number of Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education issues, and other topically similar periodicals on this subject are also found.
School of Industrial Relations. [1946-1964] Organized by Fr. Philip Dobson, S.J. in the post- World War II period in order to fight against the rise of Communist influence on American soil. A number of pamphlets and literature on social and economic issues associated with domestic labor issues are featured within this series. Annual reports, various files on political and labor leaders affiliated with the school, or on the national level have also been added to these records.
Shanahan, James J., S.J. Collection. [1948-1996] President of Saint Peter’s College from 1948-60. A collection which features some correspondence from his last years in office mainly concerning various administrative duties and the Society of Jesus. Written works range from his recollections at Saint Peter’s after his retirement to a set of yearly reports he issued while in office. Newspaper clippings, photographs, and other articles on the life and times of Fr. Shanahan are found as well.
Yanitelli, Victor R., S.J. Collection. [1915-1996] President of Saint Peter’s College from 1966-78. A number of newspaper clippings and photographs of this beloved campus figure through his early academic career and time in office make up a bulk of this collection. Mass cards, drawings, and his graduate thesis are just a few of the more unique items preserved here. Other key possessions include many published writings, inscribed books, correspondence, and some of the numerous awards presented to Fr. Yanitelli during his lifetime are included within this grouping of materials.
Saint Peter’s College History (General) – Articles & Books
A Brief History Of Saint Peter’s Parish. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s Church, 1982-83. (14 pgs.) Contains a history of this church through its three stages of development 1831-1865, 1865-1957, and 1961-present as a neighborhood parish in Jersey City. The operation of Saint Peter’s College, Prep, Grammar School, and St. Aloysius Academy are documented along with this general church history. Jesuit custodianship, and the work performed by the Sisters of Charity on behalf of these schools is outlined in chronological form. A listing of pastors and grammar school principles who serviced the church also appear within this text.
Comey, Dennis J., S.J. The Shoestring Club. A Personal Account by Dennis J. Comey, S.J. Philadelphia, PA: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 1988. (31 pgs.) A personal account of activities pertaining to the Shoestring Club as told by the group’s founder Dennis J. Comey, S.J. who also served as former President of Saint Peter’s College 1937-43. This organization founded at Saint Peter’s Prep in 1935 functioned as a “teenage social club” during its formative years in existence. Comey brought the Shoestring Club to Saint Peter’s College in 1937 where a schedule of Holy Name Parades, Basketball, Dances, Outings, and Dramatic plays were regularly presented. Comey’s thoughts on this group and its legacy to the college are echoed in the following statement: “…the Shoestring Club, the teenagers of the late 30’s and early 40’s who allowed me unceasing demand for perfection, were perceptive enough to grasp that the ever-beckoning goal of service was to insure a future for good men and good women.”
Cronin, Richard J., S.J. The Closing And Reopening Of Saint Peter’s College: 1918-1930. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1989. (55 pgs.) A historical outline on specific factors behind the renewal of operations at Saint Peter’s College in 1930. Separate examinations of the administrations of each school president during the twentieth century, and a general overview of major institutional events are also presented. Reprinted correspondence and a synopsis of activities performed by Fr. Joseph H. Rockwell, S.J., Fr. James F. McDermott, S.J., Fr. Thomas F. Graham, S.J., and Fr. Joseph P. O’Reilly, S.J. are also featured. Cronin’s major aim in this study is an overview of Jesuit education and how it related to operations at Saint Peter’s College from 1918 up to the late 1980s.
Cronin, Richard J., S.J. The Jesuits And The Beginning Of St. Peter’s College. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1983. (91 pgs.)
This volume includes an outline on the background and formation of the Society of Jesus as a religious order, and its earliest presence within the United States. A brief sketch of Jesuit education in America is additionally provided to show the roots of religious academic enterprise from the 18th to early 19th century. The educational, commercial, and social context of Jersey City is illustrated in conjunction with the founding of Saint Peter’s College. A copy of the college charter (1872), diary entries and reports on various Jesuits are further integrated into this history. Emphasis on the early founders of Saint Peter’s College including Bishop James Roosevelt Bayley, Fr. Peter Beckx, S.J., Fr. John Bapst, S.J., Fr. Victor Beaudevin, S.J., Fr. Jacques Perron, S.J. along with capsule biographies on other pioneering Jesuit priests and faculty are also highlighted. A detailed appendices section features an institutional chronology, letters of prominent Jesuits, listing of college presidents, and various attendance information round out the contents of this work. (ARCH LC 4831.S62676)
Cunningham, John T. “New Jersey Colleges: Campus On The Boulevard. St. Peter’s College,” Newark Star-Ledger, 25 March 1956. (pgs. 17-21.) A newspaper article revolving around the history of Saint Peter’s College with particular emphasis on events occurring on campus after the school’s re-opening in 1930 up to the mid-1950s. The symbolism of the Peacock, Jesuit education, and the Presidency of Fr. James J. Shanahan, S.J., etc. are among the many subjects featured within this piece.
Design for the Future – Mission, Goals and Objectives of Saint Peter’s College. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, September 1977. (19 pgs.) An outline of the institutional mission and goals created and endorsed by Saint Peter’s College. This booklet was reprinted from the original publication entitled the: “College Self-Study Report” (Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, March 1976.)
“Fifty Years of Recommitment, Saint Peter’s College From 1930 to 1980,” Saint Peter’s, The College Magazine. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Office of Public Affairs, 1980. Magazine produced on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the re-opening of Saint Peter’s College 1930-80. This periodical traces the history of institutional development over this time span through selected retrospective essays and pictures.
Gannon, Rev. Robert I., S.J. “On Opening a Downtown College,” The Catholic Mind. Volume XXVIII, No. 20, 22 October 1930. New York: The America Press, (pgs. 412-420.) A transcription of the speech delivered by former college Dean Robert I. Gannon, S.J. entitled: “Sermon at the Mass of the Holy Ghost, on the opening of classes at Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, N.J. September 28, 1930.”
Gannon, Rev. Robert I., S.J. On Reopening St. Peter’s College – A Sermon. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College Building Fund, 1930. (15 pgs.) A transcription of the sermon preached to Freshmen at the re-opening of Saint Peter’s College during the Mass of the Holy Ghost on September 28, 1930. This occasion was marked by the presence of His Excellency, the Most Reverend Thomas J. Walsh, D.D., Bishop of Newark along with other distinguished guests.
“Hudson County Campus Tour – It’s Full Steam Ahead At St. Peter’s College,” Hudson County Magazine. (First Anniversary Issue), Spring 1992, (pgs. 28-30.) A synopsis of major activities covering campus construction, enrollment, and tuition costs sponsored by the college from 1990-92 along with an expansion forecast slated for 1993 is also included.
“In Deed, A Survey of Programs and Activities Related to Identity and Mission,…Saint Peter’s College, Jersey City, New Jersey,” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, Spring 1994, (pgs. 24-25). A brief overview on the history of St. Peter’s College from its earliest roots in the nineteenth century until 1994. This article primarily focuses on shared resources including the recreation center, public forums, etc. The institution and its activities within the role of advancing urban education through local high school partnerships is additionally profiled.
O’Connell, Jim. Jesuit College In Jersey City. Special Centennial Yearbook Preface. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1972. (32 pgs.) A historical portrait of Saint Peter’s College over its first one hundred years from 1872-1972. Project sponsored by the Saint Peter’s College Yearbook “Peacock Pie” advisement committee in conjunction with the Centennial Office. A majority of the photographs and drawings included within this volume were taken directly from school yearbooks, newspapers, and alumni bulletins. This booklet is a condensed version of Jim O’Connell’s major work on the subject entitled: “The Young Estate” (Jersey City, N.J.: St. Peter’s College, 1972).
O’Connell, Jim. The Young Estate. (A Book About Saint Peter’s College). Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1972. (330 pgs.) Comprehensive volume on the formation and expansion of Saint Peter’s College over its first one-hundred years of existence from 1872-1972. A highly detailed volume encompassing many facets of campus life including: faculty, clubs, administrative operations, athletics, etc. as they individually and collectively relate to the institution. (Unpublished manuscript. Copyrighted, 1972)
“Outstanding Alumni/ae/ St. Peter’s College, Jersey City, New Jersey…,” Jesuit Education in the United States, 1789-1989 Bicentennial Publication. Undated, (1 pg.) A periodical outlining prolific alumni/ae from each of the 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States. A list of individuals and their respective area of specialization is presented within each biographical sketch. Saint Peter’s College is represented by such dignitaries as: Will Durant (Historian/Philosopher), Dennis James (T.V. Announcer), and Gerald R. McCann (former Mayor of Jersey City) among others.
Pegolotti, James. Saint Peter’s College Centennial…Remembrances. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1973. (80 pgs.) Specially produced booklet highlighting the objectives and mission of Saint Peter’s College during the school’s centennial observance in 1972. The literature devoted to this celebration revolved around the theme: “Man’s Quest for Meaning”. Among the sections in this volume are school-related symposia, lectures, publications, music and arts, and a special events outline entitled: “Centennial ABC’s: Saint Peter’s Style”. (ARCH 378.749 SA 14 CEN)
“St. Peter’s — College and Prep for 75 Years, Its Alumni Leaders in Many Fields,” The Jersey Journal. 21 November 1953, (pg. 7.) A pictorial spread showcasing campus buildings, landmarks, Jesuit instructors, and the surrounding community within close proximity of Saint Peter’s College are prominently featured. The accompanying text provides a capsulized history of the college and its place within the educational and cultural development of Jersey City.
Saint Peter’s College Custom Book. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1932(?) (16 pgs.) Booklet providing rules and regulations for proper conduct expected of students at the school during the early 1930s.
Schroth, Raymond A., S.J. “Will Durant’s Religion: Seminary, Exile, ‘Return'” New Jersey History. Volume 111, Numbers 1-2, (pgs. 44-64.) Newark, N.J.: New Jersey Historical Society, Spring/Summer 1993. This journal article traces Philosopher/ Historian Will Durant’s upbringing and educational instruction at the hands of Jesuit scholars. Particular attention is given to Durant’s attendance at Saint Peter’s College (1904-07), and his earliest involvement within the Catholic church. Fr. Schroth mentions the legacy and importance of his subject in relation to the time period in which he lived: “…Will Durant’s lifelong attraction to and revulsion from formal religion, specifically the Roman Catholic Church, is one of the intriguing paradoxes of his life and work…Will Durant’s leaving the Catholic Church, seen in the full context of American Catholic history and the intellectual climate of the time, illustrates the pervasive tension between traditional Catholicism and modern culture.”(Schroth, 47).
Shanahan, Rev. James J., S.J. Some Reflections On St. Peter’s College. Buffalo, N.Y.: Canisius College, 1990. (13 pgs.) An essay written by the former President of Saint Peter’s College Fr. James J. Shanahan, S.J. (1949-60), and features personal and professional recollections of the school during his tenure in office. Included within this text are building costs and statistical information about personnel at the school. Additionally, some of this information is related to Fr. Shanahan’s earliest years (1933-36) and activities at Saint Peter’s College.
The Second Hundred Years. Saint Peter’s College, Centennial Publication Number One. Jersey City, N.J.: Saint Peter’s College, 1972. (8 pgs.) Contains a preface by the Saint Peter’s College Board of Trustees on the mission and goals of the school during its Centennial observance. An essay entitled: “Its Meaning for the Free Man in the Changing City” is the centerpiece of this booklet. Included within this paper are the sub-topics of: “A Catholic College,” “The Jesuit Tradition,” “Jesuit-Lay Relations,” “The Student,” “Liberal Education,” “Social Concern,” and “Governance”.
Verdon, Timothy. “The Jesuits, Education, And Saint Peter’s College,” The Spiritual Eye, Religious Faith & Esthetic Perception. February, 1990, (pg. 8). A general profile on the historical development of Saint Peter’s College. This volume is a companion guide to a symposium on sixth-nineteenth century European and American art sponsored by Saint Peter’s College in conjunction with the College Art Association. The exhibit was originally held in New York City from February 17-18, 1990.
Rev. 8/20/96 Saint Peter’s College Archives, Alan Delozier