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Research materials for History courses at Saint Peter's University.


American Memory
Digital historical collections (photos, sounds, movies, text) from the Library of Congress.
Making of America: Cornell Library
Digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularly strong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history, sociology, religion, and science and technology. This site provides access to monographs and journals with 19th century imprints, as well as primary source Civil War documents.
Research in Military Records: Vietnam War
from the National Archives and Records Administration
Voice of the Shuttle (VoS): History
Links to scholarly internet resources, updated and maintained by faculty and students at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Will Durant Foundation
Biographical and other information about Saint Peter's graduate Will Durant, author, with his wife Ariel, of the "Story of Civilization" and other writings, and of a "Declaration of Interdependence" of religious and racial groups in 1944 that is still of interest and importance today. 

Historical Newspapers

Old Fulton NY Post Cards
Search Over 19,648,000 Old New York State Historical Newspaper Pages, 1795 Thru 2007.