The Theresa and Edward O’Toole Library invites the Saint Peter’s University community to promote programs and events through library exhibits.
The objective of this joint venture is to support the University’s mission and focus awareness on library resources.
For more exhibits related information, please contact Reference Librarian & Exhibits Coordinator, Ilona MacNamara (201-761-6463;
Exhibit Display Case – Located on the main floor of the library. Enclosed in glass, this space consists of 8 columns in total, with 6 of the columns containing 3 shelves each. The shelves are spaced 16 inches apart and measure 30 inches wide. The first and last columns contain 1 shelf each. The Exhibit Display Case is allocated on a first come, first served basis.
Depending upon availability, exhibits will remain on display for 1 month.
Exhibit Display Case
• Reserve 6 to 12 months in advance for department conferences and symposia
• Reserve 2 months in advance for sponsored student events and organizations
Exhibitors must:
The Library cannot display original items due to lack of security and is not responsible for lost or damaged items. It also reserves the
right to decline exhibit applications.
Ilona MacNamara, MLS, M.Ed.
Librarian – Reference & Exhibits Coordinator