Over 20,000 ebooks on Business and Management, owned and subscribed to by our library.
Over 11,000 ebooks on Economics, owned and subscribed to by our library.
Most books on business and economics are arranged on the 2nd & 3rd floor of the O'Toole Library.
You can browse the shelves, or more efficiently, search in our library catalog and then use the call number to locate the book from shelves.
HB-HJ -- Economics, Business & Finance
Reference works, like encyclopedias, dictionaries and handbooks, are located in the ReadyRef area, on the 1st floor of the O'Toole Library.
InterLibrary Loan (ILL)
We will borrow it for you from other libraries. Generally, it takes around 3 weeks to arrive.
Reciprocal Borrowing
You may visit other libraries for onsite borrowing via METRO, VALENJ, and Jesuit Library Passport.
Theresa & Edward O'Toole Library
99 Glenwood Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306